

Updated 2017


My name is Erin Leary and I have been a writer for years.  I have been keeping a commitment to myself to write more and this blog is a part of that commitment. I have had several of my works published in anthologies – see more about that here. I’ve joined a couple of writer’s organizations to help keep me motivated – both Backspace and Women’s Fiction Writers Association – and have been an unpaid intern at a New York Literary Agency for the past 2 years. In addition to my more fun fiction projects, I am writing for NoJitter.com on technology topics and am enjoying bringing my voice to my professional domain.

Writing is what helped keep me sane when I needed it most.  I used to say that if I pitched the plot line of my life to an agent, I would be laughed out of the room.  No one would believe that so many bad things could happen to one person in such a short amount of time.  I’m here to prove that reality is stranger than fiction. And I am still standing, through the grace of the English language.

I’m now embracing the next stage of my life – being a writer and checking off item #4 in the list below.  Anything is possible!

Random facts about me:

1. I used to have an underbite. I worried one of my kids would inherit that trait, but they didn’t. Maybe orthodontia straightened out my genes, too.
2. I enjoy therapy, both physical and mental. I think that makes me a little strange.
3. I like to have my bed made each day. Sometimes I do it just before I get in because it makes me feel better about accomplishing something.
4. If I could be anything, it would be a writer. I have author envy.
5. I sometimes think that I relate better to males than females but I wouldn’t revoke my membership in the sisterhood for anything. Women rock.
6. I have little or no patience for things that are poorly organized or stupid. I find as I get older this impatience leaks out more and more.
7. I love animals and am married to a man whose idea of the perfect pet is a stuffed one. We are working this out, but mostly we have pets and he copes.
8. In light of the above, my mother used to worry that I would want to bring home needy men just like I did with needy pets. I remember thinking that was an odd thing to worry about, then I became a mother.
9. I have a dark side and it sometimes scares me.
10. I think I’m a good mother to my kids. Each one is different from the others and I respect those differences. I had a good mother, so all the credit goes to her.
11. People at work think I am very calm and rational. I like to save my tantrums for home.
12. I know more song lyrics than I like to admit. A good chunk of my brain is tied up with that.
13. I have a scary ability to memorize phone numbers. Even now that they are ten digits long.
14. I am wicked good at factoring algebra problems. I’m almost an idiot savant because I hated algebra and really don’t know what to do other than factoring.
15. In the past few years, I’ve lost 5 important family members.  I miss each of them dearly and think of them almost every day.
16. I have a lot of guilt about what my divorce did to my kids – but a lot of hope that talking about it with them helps.
17. I don’t like to fail. It’s a character flaw.
18. I am a very private person. Doing this is a real stretch for me.
19. I read almost obsessively and have passed it along to my kids.
20. I still get a thrill when I go to the library because it’s like a whole world of possibilities to choose from – for free!
21. I love that I have both Irish and Norwegian heritage. Of course, I have a lot of other things in the mix, but those are the two I relate to best.
22. I am a fiercely loyal friend and have only a handful of people that I am truly close to.
23. I hate ending sentences with a preposition (see above) but sometimes it feels more awkward to use correct grammar.
24. I can set almost any electronic clock without instructions. I’ve only been defeated once.
25. I once had a top score on a Ms. Pacman machine that lasted for over a year. I was that good.

29 thoughts on “About

  1. In regards to #17. I prefer to live by the Mythbusters’ motto: “Failure is always an option.” As long as you learn something from failing then you haven’t really failed. You’ve succeeded at something you didn’t even know you were trying to accomplish.

  2. Reading all the above, my conclusion is that you’re one great woman and talented at that. The bit about your husband liking only stuffed pets had me laughing. I hate pets, of any kind. LOL!

  3. Your above profile or analysis of yourself if one could call it that shows you to be a woman of strong character, principal and integrity. I know too what it is like to lose those very close to me from cancer (my father, 30 yrs. ago from malignant brain cancer). It is difficult to watch one’s brain and body waste away till none is worth saving, outside of a miracle. Those are the kind of legacies passed down, inspiring others on their own journey in life.

  4. We have these in common:
    I lost 5 members of my family (being all of my immediate family). Lost both parents and a younger brother in 8 months. Almost lost husband 5 years ago (brain tumour). We are both stronger for our experiences!
    I can remember numbers! But I’m no good at maths.
    We share a Celtic heritage.
    Writing keeps me sane, also art and singing. Keep writing!
    Embrace your dark side (we all have one!) and you will render it powerless to scare you.

    Nice to know you.

    • Hi Ann,
      I’m a bad blogger – missed replying to your kind comment until now. I agree – we have a shared story. I find many people who have done this before me and they help me feel connected, not alone. Thanks for reading!

  5. I can relate to many things on your list. Number 18: “I am a very private person. Doing this is a real stretch for me.” can be a tough one when it comes to writing. Once our work is out there, we’re suppose to promote it through social media, etc. That’s tough to do when we tend to naturally hold back. Luckily, it’s possible to blog, tweet, facebook, etc. without revealing too much of our personal selves.

  6. Hi, Erin. I came over to get the link for your site to include in my post for this week’s Friday Fictioneers — since we’re using your GREAT picture. But I stopped to read your ‘About’ page, and I was so touched by what you say about wanting to be a writer. Back in January I wrote a series of articles titled “Year of the Author” (Parts 1,2,3,4). You might find them encouraging to you as you step out farther and farther into your writing life. Just in case you’d like to read some of them I’ll put the link to Part 1 here. They ran in pretty tight sequence, so you shouldn’t have any trouble going from one part to the next. I hope they will give you strong encouragement and inspiration. http://sandraconner.wordpress.com/2014/01/06/2014-the-year-of-the-author/

    • Thank you, Sandra. I am working on it – I have my first novel complete and am working on revisions as suggested by an agent. I also just found out that another flash piece will be published in a journal this fall. I am making progress and look forward to reading about your journey. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  7. Awesome About Me page! Thanks for stopping by for a read on my blog. I thought I’d better hop over and introduce myself. I relate to several items on your list. And mostly…writing rocks! I’m an executive assistant by day and a writer and reader the rest of the time…when I’m not tending to my menagerie. Anyhow…nice to meet you! 🙂

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