Flash Friday Fiction

Ted Strutz

Picture courtesy of Ted Strutz        

Electricity, switch, somewhere not in the US – this is what I get from the picture above. The stark contrast of the black and white makes it look both older than I think it is and slightly more menacing. Black and white, on and off – opposites attract.

Word count: 100

Opposites Attract

Angela looked over her shoulder, sneaking a peek at him across the counter. Brooding and dark, his allure was immediate. A sudden spark, a surge of her heartbeat, she felt his pull and pushed it away, knowing it would end badly.

Why did she always want the wrong type? He would be like the others – hot one minute and cold the next. Who needed the heartache?

Still… she could only resist so long. The air around her felt electric as she delivered his bill, her phone number surrounded by a heart, drawn with her usual flourish and charged with hope.

© Erin Leary

(For those keeping track, the number of electrical terms used was 9. See if you can spot them all.)

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16 thoughts on “Flash Friday Fiction

  1. Hmmm . . . This reads more like an introduction than a story. Watch those modifiers. Was the attraction really dark and brooding or was the man dark and brooding? Good mood for the photo though.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail

    • Peak was a total screw up. I swear, my brain wants that expression to be sneak peak, just because it looks better! You got most of them- hot and cold as they refer to a circuit were also possible!

  2. “Peak” is electrical, but “peek” means to look. Hot, resist, and pull have electric / wiring connotations as well… as could “bill” I suppose. Thanks for the tale and the brain teaser.

  3. I feel uncomfortable when reading about women who wear their heart on their sleeve, or on their bills as the case may be. You did a good job ensuring I did too.

  4. I always worry for women like her, who know things will end badly but leap in with both feet anyway.
    Great story Erin, you captured things so well.

  5. Dear Erin, First read – I count seven (pausing to re-read) – GREAT GOOGLY MOONS – I got them! Thanks – I know peak and peek were there too. Good job Erin – I love puzzles! Nan 🙂

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