Flash Friday Fiction

 Reality Check

Growing up, she’d heard it all. Fatty, Fatty Two by Four, Big Bertha, and worst of all, Goodyear. That nickname hurt the worst. Kids could be cruel, and her school mates were more than that – they were inventive. One year she found a canvas tent and stakes in her locker along with the label “Prom Dress”. That kind of thing takes evil genius. Seeing the blimp overhead brought back a rush of memories. Shaking her head, she pushed them out of her mind. When the photographer called to her, she lithely stepped back into frame for the final layout of this year’s Swimsuit shoot.

The photo prompt is courtesy of Madison Woods. Her story can be found here, along with links to all the other Flash Friday Fictioneers.

© Erin Leary

49 thoughts on “Flash Friday Fiction

  1. Terrific! And that observation that being inventive was worse than being simply cruel – brilliant. And such a true story; the opposite is sadly true as well, as in Bruce Springsteen’s Glory Days. I wish all the cruel kids could have this implanted in their minds.

    • Yes – those who can’t wait to leave their High School days and those who relive them over and over. I was somewhere in between – it was a fine time, but I don’t go back.

    • No, not from experience – but from observation. I think we all witness this kind of stuff and as kids aren’t always capable of standing up for someone else.

  2. You must have read my prologue. My daughter was heavy-set and had to deal with that crap. It’s tough. I loved your ending, sort of an ugly duckling story. How many nerds grew up to be CEO and had to listen to the whining high school football star beg for a job. Justice is sweet!

    here’s mine for those who haven’t ventured down that road http://russellgayer.blogspot.com/

    • I have a cousin who was tall before the rest of us (we were about 12) and that year for Christmas, my mom made her a nightgown. One of her brothers said if tent stakes had been included, they could use it for camping. It was meant to be funny, but at that age it was something that really stung. I used part of that in the prom dress line.

  3. Childhood hurts are often the ones that create the tension we need to radically change our lives – either that or we become what they said we were ….. Nice take on the photo prompt and refreshingly different 🙂

  4. And once the photoshoot wrapped up, she started preparing for her upcoming appearance on The Maury Povich Show! Sorry, couldn’t resist. My Mum used to love that show. She has terrible taste.

    They say the best revenge is living well. I say, the best revenge is living well and flaunting it in your old adversaries faces. Or, failing that, a good old fashioned spree killing.

    Here’s my entry.

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